Monday, December 5, 2011

Let's Talk About Being Rude

Author/Illustrator: Joy Berry/John Costanza

About the Author:
John Costanza was born on August 14, 1943 in Dover, New York. He has worked in the comic book industry and even worked for Marvel Comics.

Genre: Character Education
Grade Level: K-2

This book is about being rude.  It discusses different ways that people can be rude. For example taking all of the food for yourself or demanding to always be first.  It also gives examples of how not to be rude, such as treating others as you want to be treated.  

Pre Reading Activity:
Have the children get together and come up with a definition for the word rude.  Write them on the board and keep them up while you are reading this book to see if the children are right or if they would change their definition. 

Post Reading Activity:
Get a big piece of chart paper and have the students make a list for the classroom of ways to not be rude.  Take into consideration all of the students ideas because they are more likely to follow them if they are the ones who came up with the  ideas.

I believe this book is great to use in a classroom because it teaches young kids valuable lessons.  This book will help the students learn how to treat each other and people outside of the classroom.

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