Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Mom Can't Read

Author/Illustrator: Muriel Stanek/Jacqueline Rogers
About the Author:
There is not a lot of information about Muriel Stanek online. I do know that she is a published children's author of multiple books.
Genre: Life Skills
Grade Level: 2-4

This books is about a first grader named Tina who is learning how to read in school.  She goes home to ask her mom for help but she brushes it aside.  Through the rest of the day Tina and her mom get around town without Tina's mom having to read anything.  When Tina tells her mom she is having a really hard time reading her mom tells her that she missed so much school that she never learned to read.  Tina's teacher sends them both to a center that helps both children and adults learn to read.  Tina and her mom are thrilled that soon they will not have a hard time getting around because they will be able to read.

Pre Reading Activity:
Ask the students if their moms or dads read to them, and what kind of books they read.

Post Reading Activity:
Discuss with the students about the book, ask them if they remember what was hard for Tina and her mom to do because they couldn't read.  What else do they think would be hard to do if you can't read?

I was very touched by this story.  I think this story is good to read to children because it helps them understand that not everyone is lucky enough to have a mom or dad that can help them read or do any of their school work.  This also teaches them how important it is for them to learn how to read so that they can get around and one day they will be able to help their children read.

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