Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Our Earth

Author/Illustrator: Anne Rockwell
About the Author:
Anne Rockwell was born in Memphis, Tennessee in 1934. She is the author and illustrator of over one hundred children's books since 1961. 
Genre: Science
Grade Level: 1-3

This book is about the earth, it starts from the beginning of the earth and continues on about how the earth evolved.  It discusses the different climates the earth has and talks about the rivers and the canyons as well.

Pre Reading Activity:
Ask the students what they know about the earth.

Post Reading Activity:
Have the students draw a picture of their earth and what is in it. They can make it their own and put what ever they would like to exist on their earth.

I like this books because it is a science book for the younger grades.  It covers a lot about earth and the land that students will learn when the get older but puts it into words they will understand. The colorful pictures also help the students to point out things they have seen around them and recognize structures on planet earth.

And Tango Makes Three

Author/Illustrator: Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell/Henry Cole
About the Author:
Peter Parnell was born in 1953. He is an American Playwright who is also known for co-writing books such as And Tango Makes Three. Justin Richardson is an American author best known for co-writing And Tango Makes Three.
Genre: Non-Fiction
Grade Level: K-2

This book is a true story about two male penguins that lived in the Central Park Zoo.  These two penguins did not fall in love with female penguins but fell in love with each other.  Unfortunately they were unable to lay their own eggs because they were both male so they tried to hatch a rock, but that didn't work.  So the zoo keeper took an egg from another couple that could not care for multiple eggs and gave it to the two male penguins. They did everything right in order to hatch their egg. The egg finally did hatch and out came Tango.

Pre Reading Activity:
Discuss with the children what they think the book will be about based on the front cover.

Post Reading Activity:
Have the students draw a picture of their family to show how everyone's family is different.

This book is banned in some schools because Tango has two daddies and not every school wants to expose young children to that concept.  I think this book should be in the library of every school because it is reality.  Not all children have  a mom and a dad and children should know that all families are different whether they are raised by grandma and grandpa or two moms.  Everyone's family is unique but they are still a  family.

My Mom Can't Read

Author/Illustrator: Muriel Stanek/Jacqueline Rogers
About the Author:
There is not a lot of information about Muriel Stanek online. I do know that she is a published children's author of multiple books.
Genre: Life Skills
Grade Level: 2-4

This books is about a first grader named Tina who is learning how to read in school.  She goes home to ask her mom for help but she brushes it aside.  Through the rest of the day Tina and her mom get around town without Tina's mom having to read anything.  When Tina tells her mom she is having a really hard time reading her mom tells her that she missed so much school that she never learned to read.  Tina's teacher sends them both to a center that helps both children and adults learn to read.  Tina and her mom are thrilled that soon they will not have a hard time getting around because they will be able to read.

Pre Reading Activity:
Ask the students if their moms or dads read to them, and what kind of books they read.

Post Reading Activity:
Discuss with the students about the book, ask them if they remember what was hard for Tina and her mom to do because they couldn't read.  What else do they think would be hard to do if you can't read?

I was very touched by this story.  I think this story is good to read to children because it helps them understand that not everyone is lucky enough to have a mom or dad that can help them read or do any of their school work.  This also teaches them how important it is for them to learn how to read so that they can get around and one day they will be able to help their children read.


Author/Illustrator: Dr. Seuss 
About the Author:
Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss) was born in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1904.  He is one of the most well known children's authors and has written over 48 books.  His books also introduce us to some very interesting and different characters
Genre: Fiction- Language Arts
Grade Level: K-1

ABC is a book about the alphabet.  It goes through each letter in the alphabet and gives words that start with that letter. The book also gives sentences that has each word beginning with the same letter to clarify how many words start with each letter .

Pre Reading Activity:
Have the students recite the alphabet together to see if they know all of their letters.  

Post Reading Activity:
Assign each student a letter.  Each student should come up with words that start with that letter and draw a picture of the word.

This book is a great beginner book because the letters of the alphabet are the basis of reading.  The way each letter is stated and then words to go with it is a fun way for students to learn and remember the letters. 

I'm Growing!

Author/Illustrator: Aliki
About the Author:
Aliki has written both fiction and non-fiction children's books. She writes based on her experiences or her desire to find out about the topic.
Genre: Life Skills
Grade Level: K-2

This book describes what it's like when a young child is growing.  It tells about what happens to your body when you grow and also what happens inside your body when your growing.  

Pre Reading Activity:
Have the students discuss what they believe happens when you grow. Make a list on the board so they can see it while they are reading the story.

Post Reading Activity:
Before reading the book have the students bring in a picture from when they are younger and take a picture of them now.  After reading the story have the students write a sentence or two about the differences from then and now and paste the picture on that sheet.

This book is a good book for young children because it easily explains what it's like to grow.  I think that this would help kids to get excited to get bigger and stronger and teach them how important it is to take care of your body as it is growing.  The pictures in this book help to get the message across for any students that may have trouble reading the words.